Tuesday, September 13, 2016

To start of my blog and show off a bit of my craftiness and the joy card making and scrapbooking gives me, Ill share a few cards I've made in the last six months.  I'm a HUGE fan of Altenew stamps and products.  No endorsement, just a  customer that's slowly collecting everything I can get my hands on (wallet approved however!!).  Most of my cards designs and layouts  are inspirations that I find on Pinterest.  I think its so wonderful to share our creations with others to inspire them to make something wonderful themselves.  My all time favourite stamp from Altenew  would be "painted flowers".

These cards were so fun to create.  I stamped the flowers and leaves on Nina white 110lbs cardstock in black versa fine ink without masking the areas.  That's the nice thing about this stamp is that its really versatile to make clusters without having the mask.  To colour, I water coloured the centers with my Tim Holtz Distress inks by smooshing the ink on my craft mat and using a water brush pen.  I let them dry and proceeded to embellish with word die cuts and sequins or stamped sentiments.
They are the perfect matching gift set to make for a loved one.


  1. Beautiful cards with this wonderful set! Congratulations on your new blog.

  2. Beautiful cards with this wonderful set! Congratulations on your new blog.

  3. Great start. Love all of your cards.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Looking forward to future posts.

    1. thanks for visiting, once I get the hang of this hoping to post at least 3 times a week.

  6. Your cards are fab! Congrats on starting it up! I need to do this too! Looking forward to more posts!

    1. thanks! your so sweet!! hope I can figure this blog stuff out fast to keep posting

  7. Gf your card are always a inspiration to me I'm glad you show them off on day we need to play with some inks and ideas
    Your friend Bev E

    1. oh your so sweet, you need to get your butt over here and help me figure out this blog stuff. lol

  8. Great job! I always enjoy your cards!!! Keep up the good work!

  9. Love your cards! Looking forward to more. :-)
