Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Scrapbooking is another passion

Before stamping and my love of inks I started off with scrapbooking.  It will make 11 years since I've been introduced to this hobby!! I fell in LOVE from my first cut of pattern paper!! My styles have changed so much over the years.  I follow some trends and other times just do my own thing.  I've even been published in two magazines!! I wish I could do it more often but only seem to fit it in around 3 times a year when I go to scrapbooking crops.  Most of the crops I attend are four day weekends and you can scrapbook all day and all night.  Many 4am mornings for my girlfriends and I.  Can usually pump out around 4-6 layouts per weekend.  I'm a very slow scrapbooker. LOL  Here is a  layout I  completed this year while on the HONEY BEE STAMPS DESIGN TEAM.  What a wonderful new company to be apart of.  Such beautiful stamps like this one called "sweet as honey".  I water coloured the stamped flower blossoms with my Tim Holtz distress inks and fussy cut (yes I said fussy cut) all those flowers. The branch die was purchased from the online silhouette store and the pattern paper was random from my old stash of papers. The lovely young lady is my sweet daughter Abiguelle.  She happens to be in most of my layouts because my son refuses 80% of the time to take pictures for me.  Thank you so much for viewing my blog so I can share my creations with you.

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