Friday, September 16, 2016

Crafting for others

Not only do I make cards and scrapbook, I get the occasional friend or acquaintance that needs something crafty made for them.  I've done gift boxes, paper wreathes, ornaments,  place cards, and even a few wedding invitations.  Here some of the past projects I made for others.  Some were paid and others were volunteer.  I'm so sad that I lost 90% of my project pictures this year. My external hard drive crashed and I need to fork out $800 to see if only half of it can be recovered.  Well 10 years of photos are gone because I cant afford that kind of money to recover something that may or may not work. So here of a few I could find from Facebook and other social media. 
                                              Diner place cards for a graduation dinner
                                           Fall wedding invitations for a second marriage
                                          oh ya I made cakes a few years back!!!
these are gift card holders I made as stocking stuffers
I hope you enjoyed a preview of all my little projects.  Been so busy with my weight loss journey that ive kinda put crafting on a back burner but hoping to start it up more this fall and winter.  Having this blog might help fuel that mojo to create and post for you all.  Being on a Design Team would be fun also.  I really enjoyed my time with Honey Bee Stamp and hope to revisit with them soon.

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