Sunday, September 18, 2016

Just a say Hello!

Took a walk the other evening and noticed some of the leaves changing colour and that means fall is here!! My town is absolutely stunning in fall!! We are nestled in the bush surrounded by many lakes and forests.  One of my favourite things to craft are fall scrapbooking layouts and cards.  Woke up before the birds this morning so the house was so quiet with my family sound asleep.  Perfect time to come down and play with my inks.  The picture I took for Instagram was my inspiration point to do a fall card.  I took out my Altenew stamp and Tim Holtz Distress inks and started to play.  Its a tiny note card made with scrap pattern papers in my stash from 6x6 pads.  Craft card stock in my base with my panel cut with Nina 110lbs white cardstock from Gina Marie Designs scalloped stitched die. Added a few copper sequins from my stash.  The process was pretty simple stamped the images with my inks then blended two shades of blue onto the panel edge, added water droplets and stamped a sentiment in versafine black ink.  Layered scrap pattern papers on card front and popped up panned with 3M foam tape. Voila a cute little fall note card.  I hope you have a great week! Hopefully I can make a few more cards this week including a wedding card.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Crafting for others

Not only do I make cards and scrapbook, I get the occasional friend or acquaintance that needs something crafty made for them.  I've done gift boxes, paper wreathes, ornaments,  place cards, and even a few wedding invitations.  Here some of the past projects I made for others.  Some were paid and others were volunteer.  I'm so sad that I lost 90% of my project pictures this year. My external hard drive crashed and I need to fork out $800 to see if only half of it can be recovered.  Well 10 years of photos are gone because I cant afford that kind of money to recover something that may or may not work. So here of a few I could find from Facebook and other social media. 
                                              Diner place cards for a graduation dinner
                                           Fall wedding invitations for a second marriage
                                          oh ya I made cakes a few years back!!!
these are gift card holders I made as stocking stuffers
I hope you enjoyed a preview of all my little projects.  Been so busy with my weight loss journey that ive kinda put crafting on a back burner but hoping to start it up more this fall and winter.  Having this blog might help fuel that mojo to create and post for you all.  Being on a Design Team would be fun also.  I really enjoyed my time with Honey Bee Stamp and hope to revisit with them soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Scrapbooking is another passion

Before stamping and my love of inks I started off with scrapbooking.  It will make 11 years since I've been introduced to this hobby!! I fell in LOVE from my first cut of pattern paper!! My styles have changed so much over the years.  I follow some trends and other times just do my own thing.  I've even been published in two magazines!! I wish I could do it more often but only seem to fit it in around 3 times a year when I go to scrapbooking crops.  Most of the crops I attend are four day weekends and you can scrapbook all day and all night.  Many 4am mornings for my girlfriends and I.  Can usually pump out around 4-6 layouts per weekend.  I'm a very slow scrapbooker. LOL  Here is a  layout I  completed this year while on the HONEY BEE STAMPS DESIGN TEAM.  What a wonderful new company to be apart of.  Such beautiful stamps like this one called "sweet as honey".  I water coloured the stamped flower blossoms with my Tim Holtz distress inks and fussy cut (yes I said fussy cut) all those flowers. The branch die was purchased from the online silhouette store and the pattern paper was random from my old stash of papers. The lovely young lady is my sweet daughter Abiguelle.  She happens to be in most of my layouts because my son refuses 80% of the time to take pictures for me.  Thank you so much for viewing my blog so I can share my creations with you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

To start of my blog and show off a bit of my craftiness and the joy card making and scrapbooking gives me, Ill share a few cards I've made in the last six months.  I'm a HUGE fan of Altenew stamps and products.  No endorsement, just a  customer that's slowly collecting everything I can get my hands on (wallet approved however!!).  Most of my cards designs and layouts  are inspirations that I find on Pinterest.  I think its so wonderful to share our creations with others to inspire them to make something wonderful themselves.  My all time favourite stamp from Altenew  would be "painted flowers".

These cards were so fun to create.  I stamped the flowers and leaves on Nina white 110lbs cardstock in black versa fine ink without masking the areas.  That's the nice thing about this stamp is that its really versatile to make clusters without having the mask.  To colour, I water coloured the centers with my Tim Holtz Distress inks by smooshing the ink on my craft mat and using a water brush pen.  I let them dry and proceeded to embellish with word die cuts and sequins or stamped sentiments.
They are the perfect matching gift set to make for a loved one.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Giving blogging another chance

Coming back to blogging is a scary thing and I'm going to tackle those fears so I can pursue another dream of being on design teams.  To apply we must be a blogger so here I am giving it another go!!
I hope to get many followers and that you enjoy my cards and craftiness.